Culture = people = hiring right
One of the things founders worry about is creating the best culture at their companies.
Understandably so, you want to be around people that inspire you while having a good time.
But, culture is not created by recipe or formula.
So how do you get it?
By not forcing it. It is not about pool tables or Friday happy hour.
You get it by focusing all your energy on getting the right people in the boat, then culture takes care of itself.
Okay, Peter, who are the right people?
Those that 1) have the mental strength to handle the travails of a startup, and 2) those that have humanity - people you like, people you want to spend time with, people who treat everyone respectfully.
Sounds hard, itisn't - if you dare listen to what your mind and body are telling you when you meet them.
If in doubt, don't.