March 1, 2024

Finding the peace and power in forgiveness

As we approach the end of 2023, it’s a time for reflection for many of us.

I find this really healthy to do - and not only at the end of the year. I try to reflect each and every day about my purpose and what I can do to help others… and be kind to myself.

Forgiveness is a huge part of a healthy life.

Many of us are carrying extra weight we don’t need. Not physical weight, but rather the burden of not forgiving people who have wronged us.

Perhaps our parents didn’t treat us the right way, or we still have emotional scars from a schoolyard bully or a former personal or business partner.

In essence, we’re products of our upbringings and experiences. And when we meet new people, our judgment is often clouded because we go in assuming they’re going to wrong us.

This all stems from not having forgiven those in our pasts.

Forgiveness is the ultimate expression of letting go. Once I forgive you, it’s out of my system. It’s not forgotten, but it’s gone in a way that brings peace, release… and power.

Yes, power. Forgiveness is an amazingly strong emotion, one that shows your true inner strength and confidence.

Holding onto grudges sucks energy out of us that could be much more productive elsewhere.

Without forgiveness in our lives, we run the risk of misinterpreting the actions of others because of those scars which haven’t healed.

Here’s an example. You’re in a meeting and Steve says something negative about an idea you proposed which really rubs you the wrong way.

From then on, you might think that Steve is a jerk and your interactions with him will be soured.

But what Steve said in the meeting likely has nothing to do with you. Perhaps he just didn’t understand your idea and the way he reacted was clumsy, but not malicious.

But it triggered something inside of you because you hadn’t forgiven the last person who treated you that way.

Or perhaps Steve is struggling with something in his own life which made him respond in a way that was less than gracious. Forgiving Steve puts the power back in your court and allows you to see things clearly.

We’re all trying our best to do the right thing. For some people, it’s a lot harder than others.

Showing grace and forgiveness towards those is a great way to finish this year and start the new one with a clean slate.

Next week, I’ll discuss how to forgive the hardest person of all… ourselves.