September 16, 2022

In an ever faster moving world precision has risen in importance.

In an ever faster-moving world, precision has (at least for me) risen in importance.

Precision in communications for example. The clearer and complete (not long…) the information is in the email, voicemail or text the easier it is to keep up with the pace.

I’m not talking about short.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that fast and short is better than a bit slower and complete. It is not. That only leads to follow-up questions or worse; misunderstandings.

By communicating precisely you allow the next person in the chain of events to communicate better - either back to you or to the next person.

Perhaps it is the indoctrination of the Toyota Production System that has me thinking this way. The idea is that your colleague on the assembly line is really the customer of your work. If you consider your colleagues the customer you are more likely to do a complete job. In your documents, emails, voicemails, and the like.

In your communications, today - think about completeness in what you do.

Not long. Just complete.