The world has been turned on its head
I think it has in the following four areas:
1. Outside of their place in a few organisations, job titles are largely meaningless. Job descriptions are even more irrelevant, given that an increasing number of people are working for startups, or in hybrid roles, or are simply creating the roles for themselves. People value seeing where they’ll work, and who they’ll work with, over perks and a fancy title on their business card.
2. Leadership these days is less about being loud and confident, and more about being supportive and even introverted. People value working with other people they admire, more than working for a “big name” company. The talented leaders in your organisation are why more talented people will join you in the future.
3. Skills, certification and experience are valuable when applying for a job, but projects and things you can point at are much better. People value other people who have achieved something, no matter how niche. You used to run an Etsy shop but it didn’t work out? That’s inspiring to a lot of people, you probably learned more in a week than most people do in a month.
4. Advertising a job on the web should mean you get in front of more candidates than you could imagine, even more if you advertise on social media through your existing employees, and incentivise them with referral bonuses. But now you’re just one vacancy on one channel along with everyone else. When people can apply for jobs on LinkedIn with one-click, they’ll do just that. People who take the time to seek you out are the ones who really want to work with you. So take the time to let them find you.