July 31, 2024


Over the years, I have been part of several mastermind groups.

Mastermind groups are small peer groups where members help each other reflect on personal and professional challenges and hold each other accountable for commitments.

A few weeks ago, we started a new one with a thematic focus: Digital Marketing.

As you probably know, I have been and am very active on LinkedIn, but my Instagram and YouTube presence leaves much to be desired.

On the other hand, the other members are great at those channels, so I can learn a lot from them while trying to help them improve their LinkedIn participation.

But my point here is another one:

Having a peer group to discuss, work with, and learn from is incredibly important if you want to grow yourself, your skillset and your business.

Finding the right people, the suitable format, and getting the most out of it can be tricky.

So here are a few suggestions (purely based on my own experience) if you want to start yours:

  1. Groups of five people or less tend to do best
  2. Monthly meetings give you a good cadence
  3. Each meeting has the same agenda:
    • 5 minutes each to give mental status
    • 5 minutes each to summarize what happened with todos from the last meeting
    • 10 minutes each to talk about todos for the next meeting
    • AOB
  4. A shared page with commitments and todos

And these groups are not just for entrepreneurs.

They can be for office colleagues, knitters, schoolteachers, police officers, okay, you get the point, anyone can start and participate in one around a topic, profession, hobby, or activity.

I’d encourage you to try it.

Over the next few weeks, I will create a community for first-time founders that will have elements of a mastermind. If you want to join, just reply to this email.

All my best,
