Roughly 70% of us keep to-do lists
I personally have made lists, and lists of lists, and used software, and notebooks, and not had lists. None of it is very effective in getting to-do's done.
Guess how many of us actually get all to-do's done?
There must be a better way?
Warren Buffet allegedly only has two to-dos every day.
Others I know have a business card-sized to-do list. When full, and not complete, they toss the card and start over.
Recently I have focused on outcomes. At the beginning of the day I think about what I what to have done by the end of the day, not which tasks, but rather which feeling I would like to have. What would make me feel accomplished? What outcome do I wish for?
Then I set to do the things that lead me to that outcome. Leads me to that feeling. And it works. Whether the stuff I did was on any of my many lists or not, matters much less. Did I get to where I wanted to go that day?
Yes, great.
No, why not? And how do I get there tomorrow?