March 17, 2023

What is a good question?

What is a good question?

When I try to learn something about a new company from its Founder/CEO I ask super-simple questions:

  • How's business?
  • Where will your next customer come from?
  • If you focus on one thing for the next few weeks, what will it be?

Questions like that get people to reflect in a way that tells you more than just the answer to the question itself.

Compare that to questions like (getting at the same points):

  • Can you tell me about your revenue projections and how that flows to the bottom line?
  • Please show me your marketing plan and customer acquisition strategy
  • What is your product roadmap and milestones?

(I'm getting tired just writing them here)

So, ask simple questions, and then listen. To what is said, how it is said, and what is left out.

You'll learn more.