March 3, 2023

When is it "you-time"?

I posed this question to a busy executive a few weeks ago

She was talking about how when not working, or if she was able to cut down her hours, she would spend more time with her partner and with her children.

Both are very important and noble allocations of time. And what we all prioritize when less time is spent working.

Rarely if ever does someone say: "I want to spend more time on me!" Let alone actually do it.

So, once again I was listening to someone that from the outside looks like a thunderous success, but who on the inside was not quite there, not finding or taking time to be good with themselves. Doing something or nothing. Just for themselves.

I suggested an ego day, ideally a recurring ego day, and being vocal about it. Letting the world know. The thought scared, yet excited her.

Do you take ego days?