October 15, 2024

Are you living for yourself, or for the world's approval?

We need much less than we think we need,

both in material things and in recognition.

Not more.

Society pushes us to chase money, status, and approval.

But what truly matters is often simpler.

We should focus on what brings real joy and fulfillment.

So, to everyone out there:

DO appreciate the small things in life.

DO NOT get caught up in the rat race.

DO value genuine connections.

DO NOT seek approval from everyone.

DO simplify your living space.

DO NOT hoard unnecessary items.

DO find contentment in what you have.

DO NOT constantly crave more.

DO prioritize experiences over possessions.

DO NOT measure success by material wealth.

DO live within your means.

DO NOT fall into the trap of consumerism.

DO practice gratitude daily.

DO NOT take things for granted.

DO invest time in self-care and well-being.

DO NOT neglect your mental health for external validation.

DO focus on personal growth.

DO NOT compare your journey to others.

Are you living a life of true fulfillment?

Or are you chasing illusions?