June 3, 2024

Escaping the 24/7 Work Cycle

Jennifer recently approached me, overwhelmed by her workload. Her startup was consuming her life, leaving her feeling defeated.

She wanted to manage her time better, disconnect fully, and enhance her team relationships.

Here's how we transformed her situation over a few sessions:

- Align Time with Energy: We matched her tasks with her peak energy periods and improved team communication.

- Define Roles Clearly: We set clear responsibilities and performance expectations.

- Empower Decision-Making: We created a decision tree to help engineers solve problems independently, such as managing specific customer support issues.

- Involve the Team: Developed a system for discussing significant company challenges and opportunities, ensuring everyone's input and commitment.

- Strengthen Team Culture: Introduced rituals and activities that enhance team bonding and communication.


- Shifted from 80% reactive tasks to 80% proactive tasks.

- Kept senior engineers on board despite economic challenges.

- Significantly improved system speed and reliability by reducing emergency issues.

Startups naturally tend toward chaos, leading to a cycle of constant reactions that can feel like a trap. To break free and become proactive, consider these steps:

- Systemize: For each task, decide whether to automate, delegate, or eliminate.

- Step Back: Move from being the hardest worker to the one who oversees and improves the system.

- Invest in Your Team: Effective teamwork is mutually beneficial, enhancing productivity and satisfaction.

By adopting a systematic approach and focusing on team engagement, startups can move away from constant firefighting and toward a more intentional and effective operation.