September 28, 2023

Embracing Your Differences: The Unconventional Path to CEO Success

Today I want to share with you a personal story that helped shape my path as a CEO and personal advisor.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without this one lesson – and it all started from society telling me I wasn’t good enough.

This is how I learned to use my “unacceptable” qualities to become a highly competent business leader – and how you can do the same.

Here’s the deal:

At 13, I was a social outcast.

And at 31, I was CEO of my first company.

It turns out being "different" from everyone else is the greatest superpower you could ever possess.

Here's why:

I was an angry 13 year old.

I had poor grades.

I didn't relate to my peers.

I felt like I was living on a different planet.

I couldn't conform to the social structures around me so I was constantly set apart from everyone else.

I didn't fit in -- and I didn't want to.

It was around this time that my parents sent me to a boarding school for sports.

They thought a more "physical" curriculum would be good for me (AKA I couldn't sit still for 10 minutes and had a temper....)

So off I went.

Little did I know -- my entire world was about to change.

Life at boarding school was significantly different.

First of all -- it was rigorous.

We were expected to dedicate 100% of ourselves to both school and sports.

This extreme challenge fostered a sense of camaraderie between me and my peers -- something I'd never felt before.

But that's not all...

I quickly noticed how different everyone in my class was from each other.

At my old school, everyone looked and acted the same...

I always felt like the outcast.

But here - everyone had their own set of unique

  • Habits
  • Mannerisms
  • Personality Traits

This led to a major mental unlock for me.

I was 13 years old and I finally realized:

It takes a "village" of totally unique individuals to achieve maximum success in life.

This was impeccably clear to me when playing sports.

Our cohort's set of differences helped us mesh together on the field.

Suddenly my temper became an asset – you should’ve seen the fear in the eyes of our opposing team members (don’t worry, no one got seriously injured.)

Through our combined efforts towards a common goal…

I learned how to thrive in social settings.

I learned to find the balance of sharing my thoughts and keeping my mouth shut.

Most importantly -- I learned to care for others.

Keep in mind – none of this came easy.

I had to actively practice social skills like

  • Active Listening
  • Engaged Empathy
  • Emotional Management

But I dedicated myself to it because I wanted to be a good friend and teammate to those around me.

And the ROI on these skills is immeasurable.

The most valuable lesson of this experience:

Using my differences to my advantage.

I learned differently from others.

I needed to work on my own terms.

I couldn't stand being micro-managed.

So naturally I became an entrepreneur.

My vulnerabilities quickly became my strengths.

I remember coming home after boarding school.

I was a new person.

I graduated high school in 2 years.

Then I moved to Paris and entered the business world.

The world opened up to me after I'd harnessed my personality.

I was different, yes.

That was my secret weapon.

So for anyone who feels painfully isolated from the world...

Who can't relate to those around them...

Consider for a moment that your set of unique differences are actually your personal keys to unlimited success.

You just need to apply them to something meaningful.

And if you're a CEO or Founder who's become disconnected from your

  • Purpose
  • Inner Strength
  • Lifestyle Balance

I'm here to help.

Let's find a time to talk so I can help you sort things out.

Until then,

Stay "different" :)