Find your plunge!
Do you know what jumping into 6-degree water feels like?
I do, because I did it this morning at 5:30 am - just like every day. (For those of you in the U.S., the conversion is 43 degrees Fahrenheit)
For some people, taking the plunge into frigid water is a New Year’s Day activity. But for me, it’s something I do every morning of the year.
I’m not alone in this pursuit.
My fellow Scandinavians have been doing this activity for some time, and with good reason. Studies have shown that when the body is exposed to cold, the outer blood vessels constrict and the blood flows faster through the body.
The shock releases adrenaline and endorphins, making the bather feel refreshed and exhilarated. There are positive effects on the immune system that can be beneficial in fighting infection.
On top of all this, I find there is a huge benefit to my productivity. After my icy plunge into the ocean, my thinking is clearer and I’m able to guide my clients with a more focused perspective.
Brain fog? This is a sure-fire way to clear it away. Now, I realize many of you don’t live near the ocean or don’t want to do this admittedly extreme activity. But there are other ways you can hit your own reset button.
If you’re running or on the bike, kick it into high gear - even for just 30 seconds. Splash really cold water on your face several times. Play some music really really loud. Dance like no one’s watching.
We all need a ctrl-alt-delete to shake ourselves out of falling into routines that are too rigid.