April 28, 2023

I've been 'too early' a lot in my career.

  1. too early to launch a business that was not ready
  2. too early betting on technology that wasn't fully baked
  3. too early dismissing an idea and moving on
  4. too early to quit something I had worked on for a long time

Man, I've made many mistakes being too early on something.

And, I've been late too. But, that is for another post.

Putting this up here for those who are just starting out:

You are most likely going to be too early or too late on a lot of what you end up working on.

But, don't worry, you will also be right on. And when you are you will not know until a while later.

So, stop second-guessing whether your timing is right. Just do. Just be.

It will all work out in the end