February 17, 2023

Let’s make a deal

Let’s make a deal

I had a discussion about the barter economy.

It began with a discussion of what money is and how it came to be (cowrie shells, the first fiat money was the Mesopotamian shekel), which led to the idea of favor trading.

Obviously, we frequently assist our friends and contacts out of a desire to aid others.

And I'm not saying that we stop doing so, or that we stop paying for services and assistance when we need it.

However, it's possible that an additional layer of engagement may be beneficial.

Trading favors in a systematic manner:

- I'm painting a room; if you help me, I'll watch your kids for two nights.

- You need your garden weeded; I'll spend a half-day with you doing so, in exchange for a loaf of your rye bread

- You correct a few items on my friend's website, and I'll write new material for yours

- Etc. Money, in this way, does not stand in the way of happiness, advancement, or the possibility of a new type of deeper relationship.

What are your thoughts? Is it because I'm an idealist, or should we make a deal?