March 8, 2024

When it comes to alcohol, just ask “why?”

It’s a fact. Most of us drink alcohol.

A 2023 survey from Gallup found that 62% of Americans drank alcohol at least occasionally. And for those in the highest income bracket they measured - people making more than $100,000 per year - that number jumps to 79%.

But here’s another fact: we don’t need to drink.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t, but if we do, we need to be aware of the effects that consuming alcohol has on our bodies and our performance.

Look, there are certain substances that we should never consume under any circumstances. Alcohol isn’t one of them.

After a busy day, sitting down with a pour of whiskey or glass of wine can help calm your system.

But recognize that what it’s also doing is hiding the emotions that led to you pouring that drink. It’s artificially removing the discomfort in your mind.

Without alcohol, you have to “feel all the feels” - and while that’s not always easy, it is healthy.

It’s inarguable that alcohol in any amount will affect your sleep, your liver and how your body operates. Sure, there are studies that a glass of wine can give you positive cardiovascular benefits - but you have to decide if the potential downsides are worth it.

I’m not a Puritan. I drink alcohol. But not every day, because I know from experience that I don’t sleep as well when I do have a drink.

As you might have seen from other articles I’ve written, getting good sleep is the most important factor in good health and doing the best we can at work.

But when I have a drink and know I might toss and turn, the key is that I’m aware of it and accept the trade-off.

In principle, the only thing we should drink is water.

Every other kind of drink makes our body work to digest or absorb it. We're asking our kidneys and our liver and our intestinal system to process something that is not native to our body.

And while our bodies can probably handle things like fruit and vegetable juices relatively well, the question you should ask is - why?

Are you getting nutritional benefits from it, or is it just satisfying some sort of craving?

Water fuels life. Alcohol numbs the pain.

I’ll end with another not-so fun fact.

Alcohol is a huge problem where I live. According to a 2023 study from The University of Southern Denmark, approximately one in every five adult Danes consumes alcohol at a rate that is injurious to their health, and alcohol abuse and alcohol-related diseases result in approximately 4,000 deaths per year.

When it comes to alcohol, it would be best for all of us to avoid it altogether, but the next best option is to proceed with caution. ⚠️

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great week.
