July 29, 2024

It doesn't matter

Late last night, a client called, distraught about something that had happened this week.

"Will it ever end? How can I get through this? What should I do?"

I said: It.does.not.matter

While that may seem like a harsh statement, it got us to a different point in the conversation. There was a break, a stop.

We proceeded to discuss how much space certain things take and how that space gets smaller and smaller and smaller over time.

The energy shifted.

There are very few things in life that you need to carry with you as a concern, very few things that, over time, should have the same magnitude that they have today.

Think about something that upset you in August last year. Got it?

Was that hard or easy?

I guarantee you that if I had asked you on August 23rd, you could have rattled off a bunch of complicated things then. But now? Not so much.

Think about that the next time you are upset about something.

Does it matter?

In the long run?

Probably not...