July 22, 2024

"Pay transparency leads to resentment among employees."

"Pay transparency leads to resentment among employees."

Here's why you are wrong:

As a founder, I have always supported 100% honesty.

Everyone I hired knew what others on the team were being paid. And this helped us:

  1. Close the gender pay gap and build more loyalty.

For every $1000 that a white man makes, a white woman makes $820, and a black woman makes $670.

When salaries are kept secret, biases creep in, and women, along with other multicultural employees, are paid a lot less for the same work.

  1. Increase motivation.

Team members give their 100% when they know they are being paid fairly.

  1. Focus on the company's growth.

Being transparent helped us move beyond the money talk to focus on real metrics like increasing our revenue and getting more customers.

The new generation of workers talk.

You can either be upfront about your pay or watch your high performers quit for a better culture.