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7 Subtle Habits That Hurt Your Professional Image and how to Fix Them.
You’re hurting your career...
10 Things you can do to Transform Your life from Chaos to Calm
Leadership isn’t about control...
Mindfullness made simple: Thriving under startup pressure.
The best decisions I’ve ever made came from 5 minutes of stillness...
83%: meetings are a waste of time.
Yet, you spent 23 hours a week in them!
8 ways to improve your patience (that will change your life):
Patience is the ability to take action and improve while you wait.
There were at least 6 Co-Founder red flags I ignored:
They cost me a TON.
11 Misconceptions about Coaching
Coaching is: Asking yourself the right questions.
How to reduce your stress level this week...
5 Vital Things You Can Start Doing Today
How to stop your phone addiction
We are all in some way addicted to our phones....
“I tried to handle every decision myself. But my company stopped growing.”
An experienced founder said to me in a discovery call last week.
What’s the difference between a founding team that thrives and one that flounders?
Let me explain...
5 reasons why you should start today:
There’s no better time than now to get going.
I’m obsessed with attention...
Not the kind you think...
I teach non-people persons to become people persons pronto.
(say that quickly five times)
5 life changes I made in 2020 after burning out
with the result that I now am in the best mental and physical shape of my life...
Something I think about often
Don't underestimate the power of mindset.
To hit your 2024 goals...
Focus on Direction, Not Speed.
Are you living for yourself, or for the world's approval?
Don’t overcomplicate life.
This took me 10 years to learn
I’ll teach it to you in 5 minutes.
A common trap when interviewing candidates
> Poor Technique
A client struggled with being content.
Like many, she chases more and more...
I saved three marriages in the last two years.
Here's how I did it...
It ain't that hard.
You just need to start.
3 simple tricks to build empathy through self-awareness.
Secret ways to connect better with others
5 quotes that sum up what a great leader is
What can we learn from fx Ronald Reagan, Simon Sinek & Steve Jobs
Of everything you do, what fulfills you the most?
For me, it is the following things
Do you feel stuck?
Here's a secret: Your success could lie in mastering one simple concept... Emotional Intelligence
It doesn't matter
Late last night, a client called, distraught about something that had happened this week.
"Pay transparency leads to resentment among employees."
Here's why you are wrong:
Yes to everything
Years ago I said yes to everything for a week as an experiment. Without announcing it.
Getting kicked in the teeth
Recently, I sparred with a four-time world champion, Muay Thai Fighter.
Avoid getting lost in meetings
Have you ever been in a meeting where nothing got accomplished?
Your reality
Your reality is someone else’s past.
What is focus?
You think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on.
Escaping the 24/7 Work Cycle
Jennifer recently approached me, overwhelmed by her workload...
What corporate culture and society tell you wealth and success look like
And what I've realized wealth and success truly look like...
In 2019, I got sick from working.
It was a stress-induced condition.
Avoid competition
If you can't, ignore it
"But, I can't...."
A founder recently talked about making challenging choices in the business.
Your success as a founder depends on this 1 core skill
The number of difficult conversations you are willing to have...
A question for you before entering your office as a CEO today
It will help you build a culture where people are engaged and happy.
In 1998 Tim Cook made an absurd bet
Today, it has helped him become one of the most successful CEOs and build a $1.9 billion net worth...
The founder advice I wish I’d heard sooner (to take your company to new heights):
Make sure 5 new people know what you do every single day...
Do you wanna go fast or further?
7 popular practices that are slowly killing your startup...
The #1 killer of a funded startup
What it's not, and what it is
If you want something, ask for it.
I often share this advice while coaching founders and CEOs in a tough spot...
An uncomfortable (yet powerful) question to consider as a CEO
If your company was hiring for your role today, would they hire you?
Turning off auto pilot
We all go through life through the motions...
When you see that word, does it bring up a negative or positive connotation for you?
It’s not conflict, it’s context
You’d be surprised to know how many top leaders are conflict-avoidant...
Good swing, bad aim
When I was at Toyota, we had a really interesting compensation model...
When you're hiring, it's all about the operating system
The people you hire are the largest determinants of your success.
I asked you what time it was... don't build me a watch
We’ve all been there...
Managing self-doubt
Most of the founders I work with experience periods of self-doubt...
AI can be the wall for your ideas.
I was recently asked about the role AI can play for generating ideas for entrepreneurs...
A client quote that hit me hard
After finishing our initial three month engagement, a client quoted John Wooden...
The fundamentals always win.
The reality is that the best companies will continue to get funded...
Comparison vs. Compassion
The other day, I compared my life to someone else’s...
Experiencing peak motivation
Think about when you have been the most motivated...
5 things I never regret doing
And I am pretty sure you won't regret them either...
We are really good at seeing constraints...
Someone comes to you with a complaint
You have 2 options...
Don't look at the trees
If you do, you are more likely to hit them...
Don't take things personally
Not everyone is going to love you or what you do...
Life is not about intention
It is about action
Matthew McConaughey and Marcus Aurelius
They have more in common than you might think
Do you want to win now or win later?
You can’t have both...
Shanti shanti shanti
Great things come from meditating...
The details make the moment.
How can you find your negative space in places you wouldn’t normally expect?
Turning off auto pilot
Real breakthroughs become available in your life when you interrupt yourself and your automatic ways...
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
When I worked at Toyota, I really latched onto this Japanese proverb.
I didn’t have someone like me.
This is the answer I give when I get the question: “Why did you get into coaching?”
Sixty minutes
If your charge indicator said 5km left - would you keep driving your car?
The perils of positive feedback.
It is surprisingly hard to give positive feedback...
CEOs and Founders can make mistakes.
I’ve made so many, I lost count.
How do you manage your mental health?
Here are a few strategies that have helped me to manage my mental health..
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” - Yogi Berra
I was at my own personal crossroads some years ago...
This tiny word can be our best defense against the insidious problem of burnout...
Finding a new role after being laid off.
My piece of advice...
Applying what you know
"I know that," you might hear yourself utter from time to time when confronted by others...
Happiness is like a muscle
You can choose to build it, use it and flex it, or not...
Strength and power
When I take full responsibility for everything I experience...
Sense of mission → Success
Many founders chase trends, but it is the ones with a sense of mission that succeeds.
The importance of understanding behaviour..
Why is it essential in order for you to help people grow?
Most people don't even know themselves.
So why take it so to heart when they think poorly of you for no reason?
New hires are a gift in perspective.
After working with someone for a few months, I ask them the following...
Head-nodding vs. head-shaking
Using technology you can choose one of two paths for your startup...
And > but
Two small words, yet with so much impact...
A short exercise that leads to better meetings
Make this short exercise before your next meeting...
Your feelings or analysis - What counts more in decision making?
Arguments could be made for analysis being superior to feelings in business, but...
"He who has begun has half done." — Horace
Will you start?
A poor student
Learning doesn't just happen automatically...
Pretending vs. not
Have you ever felt the need to pretend to be someone else?
Where you could be
Take a few seconds and try the following out...
Everybody has to rebuild
Don’t get discouraged or shortsighted...
Saying no is a superpower
Something more powerful than knowing what you want to do...
Are you available?
I don't mean physically. I mean emotionally...
Breaking bad news to your board
My best advice on breaking bad news to her board...
Navigating uncertainty
What is a good plan in uncertain times?
You might have to change the conversations you have with yourself...